Tuesday, January 23, 2007
No House Wine!

Easy Looks Cosmetics!

The brand identity and package design of EasyLooks is meant to encourage young women to try new makeup looks as willingly as they try different fashion looks. The premiering lineup consists of five different looks, tailored for the Fall and Winter season 2006/07. New looks are scheduled to launch three times a year.
Creative Director(s): Jörgen Olofsson >> Art Director(s): Karin Larsson >> Photographer(s): Henrik Bonnevier >> Other(s): Production Designer: Anna Johansson >> Account Executive: Linda Björk
Valio Milks!

Creative Director(s): Jari Peltonen >> Copywriter(s): Mikko Eskelinen/Lumikki Keski-Orvola/Outi Heiskanen/Mauri Kunnas/Rosa Liksom/Kaj Stenvall/Juba Tuomola/Julia Vuori/Turo Drakvik >> Art Director(s): Jari Peltonen/Juha Murremäki/Jori Kuikka >> Photographer(s): Jori Kuikka >> Web Designer & 3D animation/ Klaus Ala-Aho, Markku Hämäläinen, Miikka Lyytikäinen, Techn. Design
Illustrator(s): Art work: Outi Heiskanen/Mauri Kunnas/Rosa Liksom/Kaj Stenvall/Juba Tuomola/Julia Vuori/Juuso Koponen >> Graphic Designer/Kari Sandell, AD Assistant >> Other(s): Project management: Johanna Piisi, Anu Petäjä, Seija Matikainen/ Sara Suvinen, Kati Wikström web/Minna Leander, Arja Vatanen, Marita Kohvakka Direct/Timo Valjakka, Antti Eklund
Cabernet Sauvignon!

Root One tells the story of the original ungrafted Cabernet Sauvignon rootstock, extinct in Europe and now only found in Chile. The rich history of this woodstock is visually linked to the final glass of wine, an image of which is hidden in the vine. As you read the story the root leads you down to where it all begins, beneath the soil. A gardener's tab creates a unique neck label and emphasises the horticultural theme.
Creative Director(s): David Turner & Bruce Duckworth >> Copywriter(s): David Turner >> Art Director(s): Shawn Rosenberger >> Illustrator(s): Shawn Rosenberger >> Other(s): Client: Click Wine Group >> Awards: Epica Bronze 2006
The Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Tertulia Cellars

A really nice and classy website and packaging design for Tertulia Cellars by a design & communications agency named Blind Renaissance Design.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
A Vodka Pack!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Capricorn Cheese Packaging!

Capricorn Cheese is crafted at the Lubborn Creamery in UK and is made from locally produced goats milk. Situated in the beautiful valley of Cricket St Thomas, the Creamery is surrounded by the lush dairy pastures of Somerset. The team of cheese makers use a method of traditional ripening for full flavour and a creamy texture.
The packaging definetely seems to spread this freshness and the sheep with their cute names definetely add their own sense of sweetness to the pack.
Waitrose Cooking Ingredients

Evian Water!

Launched in late 2004 to celebrate the new year, Evian’s 1-L Origine glass bottle is a monolithic ice-like sculpture. The triangular bottle is reminiscent of the alpine mountaintops from which Evian water has flowed for more than 8,000 years.
The design was handled by Landor Paris, whose parent company operates in the United States as Landor Associates. The recyclable bottle is press-and-blow molded of thick glass by Saint-Gobain, which operates in the United States as Saint-Gobain Containers.
The minimalist graphic design includes a polymeric no-label look, done via a front-panel pressure-sensitive label. Required nutritional copy appears on the flat-panel left side label. Both labels are printed in two colors.
The bottle has an injection-molded, red-tinted PET ‘overcap’ that snaps on over a standard 28-mm aluminum screw closure and fits neatly against a sloping area on the bottle’s shoulder. The bottle was distributed through early 2005 to 100 countries including the U.S. where it sells for $2.50, according to Landor Paris’s director of implementation Eric Duschene. The bottles are intended to sell as a gift item.
Direct Mailer For The Mini

The Rubix Cube has always been a fun thing. Taking a spin on the same concept is this similar DM from the makers of the Mini. This little DM that can be transformed into multiple squares of various dimensions is a really cool way to introduce the range of cars to the customer. The DM also won an award at the EPICA Awards in 2003