Tuesday, January 23, 2007
No House Wine!

Easy Looks Cosmetics!

EasyLooks – a world-premiering cosmetics concept where a complete look is put together in a portable, disposable kit. The premier Looks are as follows: Blue Days Look, Lavender Love Look, Bronze Me Look, Smokey Eyes Look and Silver Nights Look.
The brand identity and package design of EasyLooks is meant to encourage young women to try new makeup looks as willingly as they try different fashion looks. The premiering lineup consists of five different looks, tailored for the Fall and Winter season 2006/07. New looks are scheduled to launch three times a year.
Creative Director(s): Jörgen Olofsson >> Art Director(s): Karin Larsson >> Photographer(s): Henrik Bonnevier >> Other(s): Production Designer: Anna Johansson >> Account Executive: Linda Björk
Valio Milks!

Creative Director(s): Jari Peltonen >> Copywriter(s): Mikko Eskelinen/Lumikki Keski-Orvola/Outi Heiskanen/Mauri Kunnas/Rosa Liksom/Kaj Stenvall/Juba Tuomola/Julia Vuori/Turo Drakvik >> Art Director(s): Jari Peltonen/Juha Murremäki/Jori Kuikka >> Photographer(s): Jori Kuikka >> Web Designer & 3D animation/ Klaus Ala-Aho, Markku Hämäläinen, Miikka Lyytikäinen, Techn. Design
Illustrator(s): Art work: Outi Heiskanen/Mauri Kunnas/Rosa Liksom/Kaj Stenvall/Juba Tuomola/Julia Vuori/Juuso Koponen >> Graphic Designer/Kari Sandell, AD Assistant >> Other(s): Project management: Johanna Piisi, Anu Petäjä, Seija Matikainen/ Sara Suvinen, Kati Wikström web/Minna Leander, Arja Vatanen, Marita Kohvakka Direct/Timo Valjakka, Antti Eklund
Cabernet Sauvignon!

Root One tells the story of the original ungrafted Cabernet Sauvignon rootstock, extinct in Europe and now only found in Chile. The rich history of this woodstock is visually linked to the final glass of wine, an image of which is hidden in the vine. As you read the story the root leads you down to where it all begins, beneath the soil. A gardener's tab creates a unique neck label and emphasises the horticultural theme.
Creative Director(s): David Turner & Bruce Duckworth >> Copywriter(s): David Turner >> Art Director(s): Shawn Rosenberger >> Illustrator(s): Shawn Rosenberger >> Other(s): Client: Click Wine Group >> Awards: Epica Bronze 2006
The Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers!